Nuts variety

Top 5 healthy nuts to eat for better health in Nigeria

Nourishing your body with the goodness of nuts isn’t just a treat for your taste buds—it’s a health investment. Packed with a powerhouse of nutrients like unsaturated fats, protein, and fiber, nuts offer a symphony of benefits from weight management to heart health. According to nutrition experts, regular nut consumption can even boost gut health, adding an exciting dimension to their nutritional profile. But not all nuts are created equal, each boasting its unique set of advantages. Whether you’re a fan of the complete protein package of pistachios or the vitamin E richness of almonds, these top 5 nuts stand out for their nutritional prowess.

In this article we will explore the origins and benefits of 5 amazing healthy nuts that have become more than just culinary delights; they’re a testament to the resilience and versatility of African agriculture. From the sweet allure of walnuts to the nutrient-packed goodness of almonds, and the local hero status of peanuts, to the creamy treasures of cashews and the nutty traditions of Bambara groundnuts – each nut tells a story of adaptation and significance in the agricultural history of Nigeria and beyond.



Walnut (nigeria walnut)

Walnut (nigeria walnut)

Originally from Persia, walnuts have an agricultural history that dates back thousands of years. Traded along the Silk Road, they eventually found their way to various parts of the world, including Africa. In Nigeria, the cultivation of walnuts has adapted to the tropical climate, making them a unique addition to the agricultural landscape. It popularity is growing, especially amongst health-conscious people. Imported varieties are also making their way to local markets, bringing the benefits to our tables.

Walnuts have culinary versatility, often featured in both sweet and savory dishes. Beyond their delicious flavor, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, contributing to heart health. Walnut oil is prized in cooking and salads, adding a nutty richness. Ground walnuts make a delightful addition to baked goods and desserts. In traditional medicine, walnuts are associated with improved cognitive function, adding another layer to their significance.

Nutritional Values:

  • Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are your brain’s best friend.
  • Rich in antioxidants, they help fight inflammation and support heart health.
  • A good source of protein, fiber, and essential minerals.

Health Benefits:

  • Boosts cognitive function and improves memory.
  • Supports heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Helps manage stress with its mood-enhancing properties.





Almonds have an ancient history, originating in the Middle East and spreading across the Mediterranean. Their journey to Africa is marked by trade routes and exploration. In Nigeria, almonds are now cultivated, However, they require specific environmental conditions such as well-drained soil, warm temperatures, and a dry climate. It is now  contributing to the agricultural diversity of the region.

Almonds are prized for their nutritional value, being a source of healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients. They are consumed as snacks, added to dishes, and used to produce almond milk which is gaining popularity as a dairy-free alternative. Almond flour is a gluten-free alternative for baking, while almond butter is also a delicious spread and a healthier alternative to some conventional spreads. In traditional medicine, almonds are associated with various health benefits, contributing to their significance.

Nutritional Values:

  • High in vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber, almonds are a nutrient powerhouse.
  • Packed with healthy monounsaturated fats and protein.

Health Benefits:

  • Boosts heart health by reducing bad cholesterol.
  • Supports weight management with its satisfying protein and fiber content.
  • Enhances skin health with its vitamin E content.




Peanuts (groundnut)

Peanuts, or groundnuts, are native to South America and were introduced to Africa during the Columbian Exchange. They quickly became a staple in African agriculture. In Nigeria, peanuts have a deep-rooted history, symbolizing sustenance and versatility in local diets. Step into any Nigerian market, and the aroma of roasted peanuts fills the air. Peanuts, or groundnuts as it is popularly called, have been a local hero for centuries.

A staple in Nigerian snacks like chin-chin and suya. From crunchy street snacks to suya spice, roasted, boiled, or ground into paste, peanuts have woven themselves into the very fabric of Nigerian culture. Peanuts are also used in traditional dishes, adding flavor, texture, and nutritional value. The oil extracted from peanuts is a significant culinary ingredient. Peanut oil is widely used in cooking, making stews and frying. Peanut butter is also a beloved spread.

Nutritional Values:

  • A great source of plant-based protein, peanuts are energy-packed.
  • Rich in monounsaturated fats, niacin, and folate.

Health Benefits:

  • Supports heart health by improving cholesterol levels.
  • Aids in weight management by providing a feeling of fullness.
  • Packed with antioxidants, contributing to overall well-being.



Cashew nut

Cashew nut

Originating in Northeastern Brazil, cashews made their way to Africa via Portuguese explorers. Nigeria’s coastal regions provide an ideal environment for cashew cultivation. The sandy soils and tropical climate create the perfect conditions for cashew trees to flourish. The cashew tree’s dual yield of nuts and cashew apples contributes to its importance in agriculture.

Cashews are a culinary delight, enjoyed as snacks or incorporated into dishes. Cashew nuts are an essential ingredient in local delicacies like banga soup. The cashew apple, though less popular than its nuts, is used in beverages and jams. Cashew nuts are a rich source of healthy fats and minerals. Beyond culinary uses, cashews play a role in traditional medicine. It is also a delightful addition to salads, and desserts.

Nutritional Values:

  • Cashews are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, copper, and iron.
  • A good source of protein, fiber, and essential minerals.

Health Benefits:

  • Supports heart health by promoting good cholesterol.
  • Boosts immune function with its copper content.
  • Enhances skin health and wound healing with its zinc content.


Bambara Groundnut

Bambara Nut

Bambara nut

Bambara groundnuts are indigenous to West Africa and have been a traditional crop for centuries. They are hardy and well-suited to arid conditions. The Bambara groundnut thrives particularly in the northern regions of Nigeria, contributing to their local agriculture. Bambara groundnuts are a staple in African diets, particularly in Nigeria. They are a key ingredient in local dishes like kunu, mosa, okpa, and are used in making porridge, soups, and snacks. The Bambara groundnut plays a vital role in traditional Nigerian dishes. Rich in protein and other nutrients, they contribute to food security. Additionally, their cultivation helps improve soil fertility, showcasing their value beyond the kitchen.

Nutritional Values:

  • Bambara groundnuts are rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals.
  • A good source of antioxidants and healthy fats.

Health Benefits:

  • Supports digestive health with its fiber content.
  • Provides sustained energy with a good balance of protein and complex carbohydrates.
  • Rich in antioxidants, contributing to overall well-being.


There you have it, 5 wonderful nuts that pack a punch not just in flavor but in health benefits too. Whether you’re tossing them in salads, blending them into smoothies, or munching them straight from the bag, these nuts are your passport to a healthier, happier you. So, go nuts and snack your way to better health.


Green Baskit- All You Need To know About us at the Baskit

Green Baskit: Who Are We and Why Are We Here?

Hello, curious. It’s a great question. And the answer is… We’re a Nigerian company that provides healthy snacks and treats to you and your family. We’re here because we love making healthy, delicious snacks that take you back to your childhood with a healthy dose of nostalgia. We want our snacks to remind you of the good times and make you feel as though you’re hanging out with your favorite somebody again.
We’re also here because we have a mission: to make sure that everyone has access to healthy snacks that they love, so they can enjoy life without feeling guilty about it. 
To be honest sha, we believe healthy food should be easy to find, affordable, and available in every store in Nigeria and Africa at large, so that everyone can reach their goals no matter how much they make, or where they live. Life suppose just dey simple like that. Shey?  

How We Started

The idea for Green Baskit was conceived in April 2016, when our “oga” and co-founder, George Mbam, traveled to the North to visit his parents. He visited the community market and was amazed by the number of interesting snacks, seeds, and fruits that were made and sold in this market, a lot of which were made directly from fresh healthy ingredients but are produced and sold in a very unhealthy, and dirty manner. “Why hasn’t anyone thought about refining and repackaging these snacks?”, he thought. There was an opportunity and someone definitely needed to take advantage of it. But our oga forgot that thought just like how men forget errands their wives sent them. 3 years later, in December 2019, the idea came back to him, but this time with a different question. “What if it’s your responsibility to do this? What if you’re the one expected to make this happen?” These questions led to the light bulb moments that sparked up the idea for Green Baskit as we know it today. Three (3) months later, Green Baskit moved into its present mini production facility in Isolo, Lagos, with a staffing of 7 employees, including; George, his wife, and the first five Baskiteers to grow the new brand to where it is now.  The Baskit is now blessed with 15 staff and our small motor for delivery…

What Inspired The Name ‘Green Baskit’?

You know how they say “Green” represents nature and health and fresh things in life. We seff we agree. We’ve realized the abundance of healthy organic foods in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

What does “Baskit” mean?

A baskit is a box containing a fine combination of healthy local snacks. It’s just the same thing, like a basket for carrying stuff in. But because we like to play on letters, the “baskit” is the “basket”. We still have our poetic license though, in case English scholars come after us.

What’s the Idea behind Green Baskit?

A lot of us are busy. We have jobs, families, and social lives—and we’re always on the go. So when it comes to eating, the average Nigerian has a lot of options: fast-food chains, convenience stores, or even vending machines.
Nigerians with an active lifestyle are being affected by lifestyle illnesses that are mostly caused by junk foods and drinks, which form part of our daily eating habits.

But what about snacks that are part of our culture?

We’re gradually losing our local Nigerian snacks that are part of our lifestyle and culture. At Green Baskit, we believe that our local foods/snacks are much more nutritious than those refined foreign counterparts and junk stuff. We all deserve to snack just how nature intended!
We make our snacks with fresh ingredients that are grown or harvested locally, so they’re as close to nature as possible. And because we use only high-quality ingredients, our snacks are naturally gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan friendly. 
You’ll never have the same experience again!

But we had this small challenge initially…

We knew we had a problem when our first research survey was full of blank spaces. We’d spent all this money on experts who promised us data on our target audience, but when it came time for them to actually fill out their surveys, they didn’t know where to start. They were clueless about the local snack niche, so they ended up asking questions that made no sense and only confused us more.

What we did:

But then one day we took action. Our in-house team created a strategy—and gave away free sampling snacks—to start production and give us feedback on them (starting with our neighbors at Green Baskit). The strategy pulled through and we got amazing responses and subsequent orders from them. And ever since then, the rest has been history.

What problem are we solving at Green Baskit?

The answer is simple: we’re solving the problem of eating healthy food while still being able to enjoy all the fun things in life. We’re not just trying to change your diet—Mba!! Rather, we want to change how you think about healthy snack foods, and how you approach your nutrition.
We want you to eat the foods that you love without worrying about whether they’ll make you fat or sick. 
We knew that if we could deliver healthy snacks right to your door, you could finally stick with your healthy lifestyle goals. Because we’ve been there too. 

What’s It Like To Work At Green Baskit?

It’s really fun here. Sometimes it feels like we’re doing superhero work, seff. But who knows? We might actually save the world someday. Lol. 
We are young people. We love fun, health-obsessed, collaborative, creative and respectful. And we love food! Yeah, being foodies inspired us to do this too.
Every day, we roll up our sleeves and get to work to make sure you can feel good about your decisions (or at least not feel guilty). So if you’re looking for a place where you can be yourself and learn from the best in this industry—where you will have plenty of opportunities for growth and development—then Green Baskit is for YOU! Happy workers at Green BaskitGreen Baskit workers in Lagos We make sure that everyone is taken care of at Green Baskit. We are committed to providing the best service possible in every aspect of our business: food, delivery, and customer experience. And if we have failed you in any of these ways, please tell us here!

Who we’re looking for at Green Baskit?

  • Great team players and funny people (please don’t be boring)
  • Energy and passion (especially for wellness and healthy living)
  • Willingness to learn (constantly)
  • Motivation to drive your own success and achieve personal goals
  • Computer Literate & Internet Savvy

Where we want to be in future

Five years, seven years from now, we want to be the face of healthy, delicious African snacks in Nigeria and across Africa. If obodo oyibo calls us too, we are ready!
We believe there’s no better way to explore your culture than by eating it—and that’s why we’re always looking for new ways to get you into the culture of snacking on locally made Naija treats!
We might even turn into a tech company or some hospital or anything just to provide locally-sourced solutions to your healthy eating goals and lifestyle. We’re proud of what we’ve made so far—and we look forward to where our next five years take us!

General Questions about Green Baskit

1. Where is Green Baskit located?

We’re in the mainland part of Lagos currently. Our address is Block 350, Flat 1, close to SMA Colege, Jakande Estate, Isolo, Lagos. You’re welcome to visit us at the Baskit anytime.

2. How do I get Green Baskit snacks outside Lagos?

We deliver our snacks nationwide with logistic services right to your doorstep or pick-up stations. We’re also making arrangements to bring our snacks closer to your location.Kindly order now, let’s sparkle your tastebuds! 

3. Are Green Baskit snacks healthy?

Yes. All our snacks are organic and 100% safe for your health. We source our ingredients locally and totally avoid preservatives or additives in our snacks. We season each bite of our snacks with love and conscience for your health and your loved ones too.

4. Can I use Green Baskit snacks for corporate gifts and events?

Of course, you can. Your team is the heart of your business. Nurture it with Green Baskit healthy delicious snacks! Make a bold statement for your events, souvenirs, and special celebration packages with our snacks, and we’re sure they’ll give you a hearty hug after snacking on our packs. Our baskits make wonderful gifts and come gift wrapped with a message card.

5. What should I expect in my Baskit?

Our baskits are loaded with an exciting variety of crunchy, tasty, nutritious local snacks. Our products are portable and well packaged, so you can enjoy them even when you are on the go.   Here’s what For reading up to this point, you deserve to treat yourself well with any of our healthy delicious snacks now! Try our treats and see what you’re missing all the while. And if you like our snacks as much as we enjoy making them, then help us spread the word! Send us pictures of you enjoying our snacks with some friends or co-workers. Tag and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter @greenbaskit and use the hashtag #Baskiteer.  We’ll definitely repost and appreciate the efforts!  We hope you enjoyed learning more about Green Baskit!   In the future, keep an eye out for more of our blog posts and social media pages focused on helping customers just like you find our delicious snacks.  
Bambara Nut

Bambara Nut (Okpa); Everything you should know about it.

Bambara Nut is a West African staple food. If you’ve never heard of it before, you’re in for a treat. This is one superfood you’ll want to know about!

Bambara Nut?! Who’s talking about Bambara Nuts? The most naïve among us overlook this delicious snack when deciding about what to eat. But for the rest of us, we’re clued into this gem of a nut and its amazing health benefits. Is Bambara Nut the most underrated Nigerian snack? Yeah, they may be. But these tasty treats pack a punch. In this blog, together we’ll uncover the wonders of Bambara Nuts. Let’s dive right in!  

What is Bambara Nut?

Bambara Nut, otherwise known as Okpa in Igbo, is a popular African nut used in recipes and eaten alone as a snack food. It has an unusual but delicious taste and crunchy texture. This nut, which is shaped like peanuts but larger, comes with many health benefits. Bambara nut is an amazing, yet little-known African snack food. It’s healthy, delicious, and unlike any other snack food, you’ve tasted before. The botanical name for Bambara nut is Vigna Subterranea, and it’s called Okpa in Igbo, Gurjiya in Hausa, and Epa- Roro in Yoruba language. This nut has been used as a source of food and medicine for centuries, and now the rest of the world is catching up with the Bambara Nuts craze.  

Where does it come from?

Bambara Nut comes from West Africa, precisely in Kwara state and throughout the northern parts of Nigeria. You can find it in all the northern states of Nigeria. They grow well in warm, tropical weather and thrive in the northern parts of Nigeria, where groundnuts (peanuts) are common. Because Bambara nut is a loner, it likes to grow alone. If you plant it in a field of other crops, it won’t do well. It’s usually planted once the rains are steady.
As a picky plant, Bambara Nut is usually planted in a good environment and cannot tolerate certain things, like drought and competition with other crops.
Talk about a bossy plant!  

What is the health benefit(s) of eating Bambara Nut?

If you’ve read to this point, you’re probably wondering about the health benefits of eating this super nut. There are many health benefits to be enjoyed from eating this Bambara nut. You can get everything from treating general aches and pains to helping you manage diabetes by eating this unique snack food. Think that’s all? Lol. No nau. Let’s burst you with these other amazing health benefits of eating Bambara Nuts:  
  1. It can help in weight loss.

    Is Bambara Nut good for weight loss? Definitely yes! If you’re looking for a snack food that can help you hit your weight loss goals, look no further than the Bambara nuts. It is a powerhouse of nutrients and minerals, including: • Magnesium–Magnesium helps to boost your metabolism so that you burn more calories throughout the day. • Manganese–Manganese helps to regulate your blood sugar and insulin levels, which are both important in managing hunger and preventing overeating.
  2. It can help lower blood sugar.

We all know that lowering blood sugar is a good thing, but does anyone ever think about the bad things that happen when you don’t keep your blood sugar in check? Well, we do. And it’s not pretty. It’s actually a little gross. Is Bambara nut good for diabetes? Yes, sure. Eating a few Bambara nuts can help you lower your blood sugar. This is because Bambara nuts contain certain chemical compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels in your body.
Studies show that people who eat lots of Bambara nuts have lower blood sugar levels than those who don’t eat them at all or as much.
It’s not just our imagination—the experts agree!  
  1. It is good for the heart.

    Bambara nuts are top of the list of healthy snack foods that can prevent heart disease. This is because of the high fiber content of Bambara nuts, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels in your body. In addition, Bambara nuts can also help reduce inflammation and improve blood vessel function. Next time you’re feeling a little under the weather, stop beating around the bush and start eating Bambara Nuts! Your heart will thank you for it. Literally.
  2. It helps to manage blood pressure.

    High blood pressure is no joke. It’s the leading cause of heart disease and stroke, so it’s important to take it seriously and make sure you’re managing your blood pressure well. One way to do that is to eat a Bambara nut a day. Bambara Nuts have the potential to play a key role in keeping your blood pressure at healthy levels. So whether you already know your blood pressure is on the higher side or if you’ve been meaning to check it out, go ahead and have some Bambara nuts as a snack! We don’t guarantee it’ll fix all your problems, but we do guarantee it’ll taste good!
  3. Bambara Nut can improve kidney function.

    Stress is one of the main causes of kidney disease, so if you want to protect your kidneys, it’s important to avoid stress and keep yourself relaxed. Bambara Nut has been shown to reduce blood pressure, so eating it regularly will help to keep you feeling calm and relaxed and reduce your stress levels. This nut also contains high amounts of magnesium, which is essential for muscle relaxation. The result? You’ll have better kidney function and less stress!
  4. It can protect against certain cancers and ulcers.

    Is Bambara nut good for ulcer patients? Yes! Small, but mighty, these little guys may also help protect you against certain cancers and ulcers. Bambara nut is a legume, so it has many of the same benefits as foods like lentils and soybeans, which also means it’s low in fat and high in protein, and also rich in antioxidants and amino acids, which contribute to its anti-cancer properties. Research found that this super snack promotes gastric mucus production, which helps prevent ulcers from forming in the stomach lining.
  5. It helps to boost your body’s immune system.

    Bambara Nut is your immune system’s best friend! Each bite of this healthy snack food provides your body with a rich source of immune-boosting nutrients, including vitamins C and D, folate, selenium, niacin, and zinc. It’s not just about a single vitamin or nutrient—it’s about the fact that Bambara nut is loaded with vitamins and nutrients that work together to keep you in tip-top shape.
  6. It is good for digestion and reducing inflammation

    Bambara nut can be a great way to keep your body healthy and reduce inflammation, especially if you have digestive problems. The nut is good for your gut because it contains prebiotic (a type of fiber that feeds the healthy bacteria in your digestive system). We recommend eating one handful of the nuts every day to keep your tummy happy!
  7. Bambara nut is good for pregnant women

    Is Bambara Nut good for pregnant women? Well, aside from the fact that it’s delicious and improves your mood, Bambara nuts are actually a great source of nutrients for pregnant women. It’s also an energy-boosting powerhouse, too—especially good for pregnant women who are experiencing fatigue. Women who are pregnant and want to give their babies a head start in life should really consider eating Bambara Nut. Just one serving each day can give your baby a huge advantage before it is even born! Like, literally. (smiles).  
  8. It is good for bone health and malnourishment

    Bambara Nut is the key to maintaining strong bones that can withstand a horror movie marathon. And it’s also a great source of nutrients for people who are malnourished. The high protein content protects young children from suffering kwashiorkor (protein deficiency and is also a good choice for those who are looking for a reliable source of iron to treat or prevent anemia and iron deficiency.

What is Bambara Nut used for?

Bambara Nut, according to Wikipedia, is best used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. One of the most common uses is as a thickener for soups and sauces in its powdered form. It can also be made into flour, which is an important food source in West Africa. Bambara nuts are also used to make Bambara Groundnuts, which are a popular snack in Nigeria, especially in the northern parts of the country. Medicinally, Bambara nuts have amazing skincare properties—for example, it can treat acne. It’s incredibly rich in antioxidants, so it fights signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

And what does it look like?

Guess what Bambara nuts look like? Well, the first thing you should know is that it’s not actually a peanut, but the seed of a tropical bean. Bambara nuts are a lot like peanuts, except they’re much larger. Also, their shells are thicker and harder to crack. They have a stronger, more distinct taste than that of peanuts and are also much more nutritious. Bambara Nuts and Coconut Chops

How do you eat Bambara Nuts?

You can eat Bambara nuts in three ways: You can also add Bambara Nuts powder to stews, soups, or pounded into flour for baking breads.  

Where to buy Bambara Nut in Lagos/Nigeria?

Buy from Green Baskit. We are Nigeria’s No.1 Most Healthy Local Snack store online and your go-to brand if you really want to eat clean, healthy, and delicious Bambara Nuts snack in Lagos and Nigeria. We sell Bambara Nuts in wholesales too. We recommend our wholesale prices for individuals hosting or organizing events and ceremonies, for offices, and finally to the real wholesalers who buy and sell them in bulk.  

Bambara Nut Storage & Shelf-life

Store in a cool dry place. Don’t expose to adverse heat or cold. The shelf life for our Bambara nuts snack is up to 6 months (and above sometimes).  

Bambara Nut Calories

According to Calcount, There are 160 calories in Bambara Nut. But the question should really be: How many calories can a Bambara nut save you? Let’s put it this way: One Bambara nut is the equivalent of running 4 miles. Not too shabby, right? But let’s not stop there. Let’s say you’re carrying a heavy load of groceries into your apartment. You could drop that bag and run back outside for another 4 miles, or you could eat some Bambara nuts! Which one would you choose? You know these things. *winks*  

Does Bambara Nut have side effects?

The answer is no, Bambara Nut does not have side effects… but it might have side-EYE effects. Because once you try our Bambara Nut and Coconut Chops, you’re going to be looking at everyone else like they’re crazy when they walk past a pack of this wholesome nuts on their way out of the conference room. But seriously, no side effects. However, if you have any issues while snacking on our Bambara nut, please let us know.  

Bambara Nut Nutritional Facts

We’ve long known that Bambara Nut is pure magic, but now we have the science to back it up. Here’s a breakdown of some of the nutritional facts for Bambara Nuts: Nutritional Facts
  • Serving Size: 1 Bambara Nut (28 g)
  • Total Fat: 8.6 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.8 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 1.2 mg
  • Potassium: 3.2 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 13.1 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 4.3 g
  • Protein: 7.3 g
We’ll stop here for now. But remember Bambara nuts are among the most underrated snack foods in Nigeria. And it’s our mission to uncover and bring these local treats to your doorstep!
Make them a part of your next snack or meal, and you’ll be glad you did. We hope that this has been a useful read and has inspired you on Why You Should Add Bambara Nut to Your Diet. You deserve to sparkle your tastebuds. Enjoy!  
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