Unlocking Nature’s Secret For Effortless Weight Loss

Are you on a journey to shed those extra pounds but finding it hard to resist the temptation of unhealthy snacks? Look no further than nature’s bounty! Fruits are not only delicious but can also be your best allies in your weight loss journey. Let’s explore the top 10 fruits that can help you achieve your weight loss goals while satisfying your taste buds.

  1. Apples: An apple a day keeps the cravings at bay! With their crisp texture and sweet-tart flavor, apples are a perfect snack for curbing hunger. Packed with fiber and water, they keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer, helping you resist the urge to overindulge.
  2. Berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries): Bursting with flavor and antioxidants, berries are a weight watcher’s dream come true. These little powerhouses are not only low in calories but also high in fiber, making them a guilt-free treat that supports your weight loss journey.
  3. Grapefruit: Start your day on the right note with a refreshing grapefruit! This citrus fruit is known for its metabolism-boosting properties, thanks to compounds like naringenin. Plus, its highwater content and tangy flavor make it a satisfying choice for keeping hunger pangs at bay.
  4. Watermelon: Stay hydrated and satisfied with juicy watermelon slices! Composed mostly of water, this summertime favorite is light on calories but big on flavor. Snack on watermelon whenever you’re craving something sweet and refreshing without derailing your diet.
  5. Kiwi: Let’s give a warm welcome to this fuzzy little fruit! Kiwi is not only packed with fiber but also loaded with vitamin C and other essential nutrients. Its tangy-sweet flavor and vibrant green color make it a delightful addition to your weight loss arsenal.
  6. Oranges: Peel away the pounds with juicy oranges! Rich in vitamin C and fiber, oranges are a nutritional powerhouse that supports your overall health while aiding in weight loss. Keep a bowl of oranges handy for a convenient and satisfying snack.
  7. Pears: Crunch into a juicy pear for a guilt-free indulgence! Pears are not only delicious but also rich in fiber, which promotes digestive health and keeps you feeling full between meals. Enjoy them fresh or sliced into salads for a nutritious boost.
  8. Papaya: Add a tropical twist to your weight loss journey with sweet papaya! This exotic fruit is not only low in calories but also contains digestive enzymes that aid in digestion. Blend papaya into smoothies or enjoy it as a refreshing snack to stay on track with your goals.
  9. Guava: Get ready to guava-go for this tropical delight! Guava is brimming with fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, making it a smart choice for weight watchers. Whether enjoyed fresh or blended into smoothies, guava adds a burst of flavor and nutrition to your diet.
  10. Cherries: Say goodbye to cravings with sweet cherries! These bite-sized treats are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Keep a stash of cherries in the fridge for a guilt-free snack that satisfies your sweet tooth.


Incorporating these top 10 fruits into your diet can make weight loss feel like a breeze. From satisfying your hunger to boosting your metabolism, nature has provided us with the perfect tools for achieving our health goals. So why wait? Dive into a world of flavor and nutrition with these delicious fruits and unlock the secret to effortless weight loss!

Eating late at night

Late Night Eating! Does It Really Affects Your Health?

Late-night eating has long been a subject of debate when it comes to its impact on our health. With our busy lifestyles, it’s not uncommon for late-night snacking to occur. In fact most of us have indulged in late-night snacking while binge-watching our favorite shows or movies, or perhaps you have a very busy work schedule that you frequently eat supper around 10 p.m. If this describes you, you are not alone. Though it doesn’t seem ideal, which brings about the question, “is it that harmful to your health?” What does science say about this habit? Does eating late at night truly have adverse effects on our health? In this article, we will dive into the research and unravel the truth behind late-night eating and its potential implications for our overall well-being.


According to a recent study, eating late might have an impact on heart disease. “Meal timing regulates biological clocks that are involved in several circadian functions such as regulating blood pressure, metabolism, and hormonal secretion,” explains Bernard Srour, PharmD, PhD, MPH, co-author of the study and professor of epidemiology at INRAE, Inserm, and Sorbonne Paris Nord University, co-author of the study.


“Previous research has suggested a potential connection between missing breakfast and worse metabolic health. However, nothing is known about the relationship between heart disease and the time of meals”


Beyond the nutritional value of the diet, researchers examined the eating schedules of over 103,000 individuals to see whether there may be a connection between the timing of meals and the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to Srour. As a tactic to safeguard heart health, it may be useful to better understand the possibility of this relationship. The researchers found that eating your first meal after 9 a.m. (as opposed to before 8 a.m.) and your last meal of the day after 9 p.m. (as opposed to before 8 p.m.) increased your risk of cardiovascular events, including heart attacks and strokes, particularly in women.

Although the findings are intriguing, it’s too soon to come to conclusions regarding the relationship between heart health and meal time. According to Srour, “Our research suggests it might be advantageous to eat early in the morning and stop early in the evening to ensure a long enough nighttime fast duration. However, these are merely epidemiological signals, which require confirmation through additional research, cohorts, and randomized controlled trials.”



Should you eat late at night?

It depends. “It’s not irrational. For instance, if you had dinner at five and it’s nine and you’re hungry, you should eat”, advises Deborah Cohen, DCN, RDN, an associate professor at Rutgers University’s School of Health Professions‘ clinical and preventive nutrition science department. “However, it depends on how much and what you eat.”

It’s advisable to assess the reasons behind your nighttime eating desires. Dietitian Jason Ewoldt, MS, RDN, of the Mayo Clinic, says, “We may not recognize when we’re hungry because we’re surrounded by food all day.” “Ask yourself if you’re truly hungry or if you’re just eating because it’s your habit, because you’re watching your favorite show or because you’re tired or bored.” 


The Connection between Late-Night Eating and Weight Gain:

Many studies suggest a connection between late-night eating and weight gain. When we eat late at night, our body’s metabolism tends to slow down, making it harder to burn those extra calories. Additionally, consumption of high-calorie, unhealthy foods during this time could contribute to weight gain. However, it’s important to note that weight gain is ultimately determined by the overall calorie intake throughout the day rather than the specific timing of meals.


Effect on Digestion and Sleep

Eating close to bedtime can disrupt the digestion process and interfere with a good night’s sleep. Lying down immediately after eating can lead to acid reflux and heartburn, making it difficult to fall asleep comfortably. It’s recommended to allow at least two to three hours between your last meal and bedtime to improve digestion and ensure a restful sleep.


Late-Night Snacking and Nutritional Choices

Another concern with late-night eating is the type of food choices we tend to make. At night, we often crave comfort foods that are often high in fat, sugar, and salt. These indulgent snacks can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. Opting for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits, yogurt, or a handful of nuts can provide satisfaction without compromising nutrition.


The Importance of Mindful Eating

When it comes to eating, mindfulness plays a crucial role regardless of the time of day. Listening to our body’s hunger and fullness cues is essential, even during late-night cravings. Engaging in mindful eating practices can help prevent overeating and promote a healthier relationship with food overall.


Tips for Managing Late-Night Snacking

  1. Plan your meals to ensure you’re adequately nourished throughout the day, reducing the likelihood of excessive hunger at night.
  2. Keep nutritious snacks readily available for when cravings strike, such as sliced veggies, hummus, or air-popped popcorn.
  3. If you feel hungry late at night, opt for lighter options that won’t burden your digestive system. A cup of herbal tea or a small bowl of low-fat yogurt can be satisfying choices.
  4. Establish a consistent sleep schedule to regulate your body’s internal clock and reduce the likelihood of late-night snacking driven by irregular sleeping patterns.
  5. If you find yourself routinely reaching for snacks late at night due to emotional or stress-related reasons, consider finding alternate ways to cope with these emotions, such as practicing meditation or engaging in a calming activity.



While late-night eating may have some potential drawbacks, it doesn’t necessarily spell doom for your health. New research suggests that eating your first meal of the day before 8 a.m. and your last meal before 8 p.m. could be good for your heart health. Paying attention to portion sizes, making nutritious choices, and being mindful of your eating habits can help maintain a balance. Ultimately, it’s about finding what works best for your body and lifestyle. So, next time you feel those late-night cravings, listen to your body and make conscious decisions that support your overall health and well-being.


Nuts variety

Top 5 healthy nuts to eat for better health in Nigeria

Nourishing your body with the goodness of nuts isn’t just a treat for your taste buds—it’s a health investment. Packed with a powerhouse of nutrients like unsaturated fats, protein, and fiber, nuts offer a symphony of benefits from weight management to heart health. According to nutrition experts, regular nut consumption can even boost gut health, adding an exciting dimension to their nutritional profile. But not all nuts are created equal, each boasting its unique set of advantages. Whether you’re a fan of the complete protein package of pistachios or the vitamin E richness of almonds, these top 5 nuts stand out for their nutritional prowess.

In this article we will explore the origins and benefits of 5 amazing healthy nuts that have become more than just culinary delights; they’re a testament to the resilience and versatility of African agriculture. From the sweet allure of walnuts to the nutrient-packed goodness of almonds, and the local hero status of peanuts, to the creamy treasures of cashews and the nutty traditions of Bambara groundnuts – each nut tells a story of adaptation and significance in the agricultural history of Nigeria and beyond.



Walnut (nigeria walnut)

Walnut (nigeria walnut)

Originally from Persia, walnuts have an agricultural history that dates back thousands of years. Traded along the Silk Road, they eventually found their way to various parts of the world, including Africa. In Nigeria, the cultivation of walnuts has adapted to the tropical climate, making them a unique addition to the agricultural landscape. It popularity is growing, especially amongst health-conscious people. Imported varieties are also making their way to local markets, bringing the benefits to our tables.

Walnuts have culinary versatility, often featured in both sweet and savory dishes. Beyond their delicious flavor, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, contributing to heart health. Walnut oil is prized in cooking and salads, adding a nutty richness. Ground walnuts make a delightful addition to baked goods and desserts. In traditional medicine, walnuts are associated with improved cognitive function, adding another layer to their significance.

Nutritional Values:

  • Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are your brain’s best friend.
  • Rich in antioxidants, they help fight inflammation and support heart health.
  • A good source of protein, fiber, and essential minerals.

Health Benefits:

  • Boosts cognitive function and improves memory.
  • Supports heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Helps manage stress with its mood-enhancing properties.





Almonds have an ancient history, originating in the Middle East and spreading across the Mediterranean. Their journey to Africa is marked by trade routes and exploration. In Nigeria, almonds are now cultivated, However, they require specific environmental conditions such as well-drained soil, warm temperatures, and a dry climate. It is now  contributing to the agricultural diversity of the region.

Almonds are prized for their nutritional value, being a source of healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients. They are consumed as snacks, added to dishes, and used to produce almond milk which is gaining popularity as a dairy-free alternative. Almond flour is a gluten-free alternative for baking, while almond butter is also a delicious spread and a healthier alternative to some conventional spreads. In traditional medicine, almonds are associated with various health benefits, contributing to their significance.

Nutritional Values:

  • High in vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber, almonds are a nutrient powerhouse.
  • Packed with healthy monounsaturated fats and protein.

Health Benefits:

  • Boosts heart health by reducing bad cholesterol.
  • Supports weight management with its satisfying protein and fiber content.
  • Enhances skin health with its vitamin E content.




Peanuts (groundnut)

Peanuts, or groundnuts, are native to South America and were introduced to Africa during the Columbian Exchange. They quickly became a staple in African agriculture. In Nigeria, peanuts have a deep-rooted history, symbolizing sustenance and versatility in local diets. Step into any Nigerian market, and the aroma of roasted peanuts fills the air. Peanuts, or groundnuts as it is popularly called, have been a local hero for centuries.

A staple in Nigerian snacks like chin-chin and suya. From crunchy street snacks to suya spice, roasted, boiled, or ground into paste, peanuts have woven themselves into the very fabric of Nigerian culture. Peanuts are also used in traditional dishes, adding flavor, texture, and nutritional value. The oil extracted from peanuts is a significant culinary ingredient. Peanut oil is widely used in cooking, making stews and frying. Peanut butter is also a beloved spread.

Nutritional Values:

  • A great source of plant-based protein, peanuts are energy-packed.
  • Rich in monounsaturated fats, niacin, and folate.

Health Benefits:

  • Supports heart health by improving cholesterol levels.
  • Aids in weight management by providing a feeling of fullness.
  • Packed with antioxidants, contributing to overall well-being.



Cashew nut

Cashew nut

Originating in Northeastern Brazil, cashews made their way to Africa via Portuguese explorers. Nigeria’s coastal regions provide an ideal environment for cashew cultivation. The sandy soils and tropical climate create the perfect conditions for cashew trees to flourish. The cashew tree’s dual yield of nuts and cashew apples contributes to its importance in agriculture.

Cashews are a culinary delight, enjoyed as snacks or incorporated into dishes. Cashew nuts are an essential ingredient in local delicacies like banga soup. The cashew apple, though less popular than its nuts, is used in beverages and jams. Cashew nuts are a rich source of healthy fats and minerals. Beyond culinary uses, cashews play a role in traditional medicine. It is also a delightful addition to salads, and desserts.

Nutritional Values:

  • Cashews are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, copper, and iron.
  • A good source of protein, fiber, and essential minerals.

Health Benefits:

  • Supports heart health by promoting good cholesterol.
  • Boosts immune function with its copper content.
  • Enhances skin health and wound healing with its zinc content.


Bambara Groundnut

Bambara Nut

Bambara nut

Bambara groundnuts are indigenous to West Africa and have been a traditional crop for centuries. They are hardy and well-suited to arid conditions. The Bambara groundnut thrives particularly in the northern regions of Nigeria, contributing to their local agriculture. Bambara groundnuts are a staple in African diets, particularly in Nigeria. They are a key ingredient in local dishes like kunu, mosa, okpa, and are used in making porridge, soups, and snacks. The Bambara groundnut plays a vital role in traditional Nigerian dishes. Rich in protein and other nutrients, they contribute to food security. Additionally, their cultivation helps improve soil fertility, showcasing their value beyond the kitchen.

Nutritional Values:

  • Bambara groundnuts are rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals.
  • A good source of antioxidants and healthy fats.

Health Benefits:

  • Supports digestive health with its fiber content.
  • Provides sustained energy with a good balance of protein and complex carbohydrates.
  • Rich in antioxidants, contributing to overall well-being.


There you have it, 5 wonderful nuts that pack a punch not just in flavor but in health benefits too. Whether you’re tossing them in salads, blending them into smoothies, or munching them straight from the bag, these nuts are your passport to a healthier, happier you. So, go nuts and snack your way to better health.


Zobo drink and all you need to know


Wondering if zobo is truly a big deal?

Yes, zobo drink is, keep scrolling as we shed light on how important this household drink is to families.

The hibiscus flower, known in Hausa as “zobo,” is particularly nutritious, and the drink made from boiling

hibiscus leaves are nutritious, pleasant, and popular among Nigerians.

It’s accessible all year and may be found in a variety of places, as well as being sold by a variety of people.

It’s also quite simple to make. It has a delightful, fresh flavor, and it comes from West Africa. It also offers a long

list of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Zobo

  1. It is very nutritious: Zobo drink is a very nutritious drink and it is cheap. Regular intake of this drink can fight nutritional deficiencies and prevent malnutrition. Some vital nutrients provided by zobo drink are carotenes, vitamin C, thiamine, calcium, fat, iron, fiber, phosphorous, riboflavin, and niacin. This drink strengthens the immune system and improves your overall health.
    It boosts Healthy Eyes: Carotene is present in zobo leaves, the the body converts this nutrient into vitamin A. vitamin A keeps the eyes healthy, boosts clear and healthy visions, and prevents eye problems like night blindness. A combination of vitamin A and C strengthens immunity and guards against eye problems and also prevents eye problems caused by aging.
  2. It Guards Against Kidney Problems: Doctors recommend zobo drink for patients with kidney disease and other kidney problems. It contains vital organic acids like citric acid, acetic acid, tartaric acids, and maleic acid; all these acids help the kidneys function properly. They help the kidney eliminate uric acid and oxalic acid, are the two main causes of kidney stones and this, in turn can lead to kidney damage and failure if not treated properly. It also eliminates other wastes from the kidneys and body.  Don’t add sugar or artificial sweeteners when taking zobo for the health of your kidneys.
  3. It Boosts the Levels of your Energy: Vitamin B2 or riboflavin present in zobo leaves increase the levels of energy and fight fatigue and mild cases of chronic fatigue syndrome. This vitamin plays a role in energy metabolism and thereby increases the levels of energy in the body.
  4. It Boosts Appetite: Fiber, carotene, iron, calcium, and other important nutrients found in the hibiscus flower increase appetite; it fights the loss of appetite and other eating disorders. It boosts digestion and prevents digestive issues that can affect appetite. It fights worms and bacteria in the gut and digestive system because it has antibacterial properties.
  5. It Boosts a Healthy Nervous System: Thiamine or vitamin B1 present in zobo drink helps build and maintain a healthy nervous system. It also supports the
    muscles of the heart and improves cardiovascular functions. It protects the nervous system and promotes healthy hairs, mouth, liver, and eyes. Due to the high content of vitamin C in zobo drinks can fight colds and coughs. It fights inflammation and kills bacteria and this helps treat colds and coughs.
    It has a cooling effect that can help reduce high body temperature and relieve fever.
  6. It Strengthens the Bones: Calcium is found in large amounts in zobo leaves, this helps to strengthen the bones and teeth and guard against osteoporosis and other bone problems. Calcium also benefits the heart and muscles; it helps them function properly. It prevents diseases of the teeth and bones.

    There are numerous health benefits to taking zobo, including increased fertility, cancer prevention, and immunity

    A simple method for making Zobo Drinks

    I understand if you’re thinking about how difficult and time-consuming it would be to make the Zobo drink from the leaves.

    You’re in luck! There is a much easier and healthier option available.


    Yes, the Zobo powder is the same as the zobo leaves, but it has been pounded into a powder form to speed up the preparation process.

    All you have to do now is add water to the powdered zobo and you’ve got yourself a drink.

    Where Can I get healthy Zobo in Nigeria?

    Green Baskit sells healthy zobo (zobo drink or powdered form). We are Nigeria’s No. 1 Most Healthy Snack Store Online and your go-to brand in Lagos and Nigeria if you want to enjoy clean, healthy, and delicious zobo drinks.

    We also sell zobo powder in bulk quantities. Our wholesale pricing is recommended for individuals hosting or planning parties and ceremonies, for offices, and lastly for true wholesalers that buy and sell zobo in large quantities.

4 Myths about the best time to eat fruits

Is there a specific time when you should consume fruits?
Follow along as we debunk four common misconceptions about the ideal time to eat fruits.

Myth 1: Always eat fruit first thing in the morning:

Some people believe that eating fruits with meals causes bloating and diarrhea. This is false and misleading.
Eating fruits with meals can slow the emptying of your stomach, but only by a small amount and this is good for you, as it helps you feel full longer.

Myth 2: Do not eat fruit before going to bed.

Although having a full meal right before bed can disrupt a person’s sleep cycle, it is preferable to eat fruits at night because they are less likely to disrupt sleep than other foods.
Eating fruits before bed, such as a banana, can help you relax and sleep better.

Myth 3: If you have diabetes, you should eat fruit 1-2 hours before or after meals.

Although there is no scientific evidence to back this up, mixing fruits with other high-protein, fiber, or fat diets may assist those with diabetes.
Instead of consuming fruits on their own, people with diabetes can benefit from combining them with other foods that are high in protein, fiber, or other nutrients.

Myth 4: The afternoon is the best time to eat fruits

Fruits may be eaten at any time of day, there is no danger in eating fruits at any time of day, and fruit is healthful at any time of day.
Fruits are extremely healthy and should be a staple in your diet. They also help you lose weight, easy to absorb improved nutrition.

Healthy Snacks; The next big thing for Nigerians

We’ve all heard Nigerians say, “Who nor like better thing?” considering the average Nigerian’s sweet tooth (something must kill a man) whether it’s through the unhealthy consumption of drinks, fatty foods, chocolates, and so on. However, you should be aware that Nigerians are becoming more aware of the dangers associated with these unhealthy snacks, which can lead to diabetes, weight gain, and other health problems. Nutritious snacks are sweet, scrumptious, and mouth-watering, and they’re also incredibly healthy for kids, contrary to popular belief that the word “healthy” conjures up images of bitter or sour flavors. If you’re worried that your kids won’t like the nutritious snacks we’ll recommend at the end of this post, don’t panic; they’re suitable for both children and adults.  


Healthy snacks are not only good for you; they also offer your body the nutrients it needs. Healthy snacks can be both good for you and satisfying. When you eat snacks properly, they become a part of your healthy eating routine, keep you energized, and satisfy your appetite in between meals.

What Constitutes a Healthy Snack?

Read the nutrition facts label to see if a snack is healthy, and choose snacks that are low in fat and added sugar and high in fiber and water. Choose fresh fruits over flavored drinks, whole grain snacks over high-fat snacks, and low-fat snacks over high-fat snacks.

Examples of Healthy Snacks that you can find in Nigeria

We will list a few of them: (LOCAL NAIJA SNACKS) 1.Toasted Bambara & Coconut chops
  1. Sesame Brittle(Sugar-free)
  2. Coconut Suya Chips
  3. Tigernut Donkwa (100% sugar free)
  4. Spicy Kilishi( meat jerky)
  5. Toasted African Breadfruit(Ukwa) & coconut chops)
  6. Coconut Candy with dates (Sugar-free)
  7. Beef floss
  8. Regular Donkwa
  9. Granola Bar(Sugar-Free)
  10. Dried fruit mix Granola.
  11. Lemon, Coconut, and Cashew cookies
  12. Groundnut & Cashew cluster
  1. Dried African Pear
  2. Dried Apple Chips
  3. Fresh Dried grapes


The effects vary, but with consistency, you will notice changes in your mood, improved relaxation, higher vitality, and a boost to your immune system.

Where Can I get healthy snacks?

You can shop locally and look for businesses that make their snacks with you in mind; an excellent place to start is Green Baskit (Lagos), where their snacks are thoroughly prepared and all fats are removed. There’s no added sugar or preservatives, and it’s all natural, bringing back childhood memories. You may shop at www.greenbaskit.com or on Instagram @greenbaskit.

Chia Seeds Health Benefits, Nutrition and all you need to know!

Chia seeds may be small, but they’re incredibly rich in nutrients, they are super versatile and easy to add to your favorite dishes.

Origin and History of Chia seeds

We know you expect us to name a state in Nigeria where Chia originated from or the local tribe in Nigeria. Chia Seeds originated from central Mexico and are imported into Nigeria. They are also found in South Africa (Cape Town) produced by a company called ‘seeds for Africa’

What do Chia seeds taste like?

When you eat Chia seeds you taste the mild nutty flavour that makes it easier to compliment both sweet and savory dishes, it has this crunchy texture.

Health Benefits Of Chia seeds

Chia seeds are what you can call small but mighty, though tiny they have a lot of health benefits and it serves well as a variety of snack compliment. It works well with a variety of combinations.
  1.  Help with heart diseases They have healthy fats which help diseases such as high blood pressure and heart failure. They are also high in plant protein, making them a great source for vegetarian meals.
  2. Improve cholesterol levels Chia seeds are one of those foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They can help to reduce your risk of coronary artery disease and improve cholesterol levels.
  3.  Strengthen bones Calcium, manganese, and magnesium are the most vital minerals for strong bones, and chia seeds have all that. Adding a spoon of chia seeds to your child’s meal can help strengthen their bones. This will also help with the development of the brain.
  4. Chia seeds increase your energy levels due to the carbohydrate present in chia seeds which have a slow conversion rate and fuel the body longer.
  5. Support weight loss The fiber and protein in chia seeds may benefit those trying to lose weight. One ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds has close to 10 grams of dietary fiber. That means they’re a whopping 35% fiber by weight. Most of the fiber in chia seeds is soluble fiber. It absorbs water, becomes gel-like, and expands in your stomach to slow your digestion and help you feel full after a meal

What are the best ways to eat Chia seeds?

There are several excellent ways to eat chia seeds, don’t eat them dry except on salads
  • Spread on salads
  • Add to smoothies
  • Add to oats
  • Use chia seeds instead of eggs while baking
  • Mix with pancakes
  • Mix with cereals, cookies, and homemade lemonade
  • Mix with water and lemon while working out.

Where to buy Chia Seeds in Lagos/Nigeria?

Buy from Green Baskit. We are Nigeria’s No.1 Most Healthy Snack store online and your go-to brand if you want to eat well preserved, healthy, and crunchy Chia seeds in Lagos and Nigeria. We sell Chia seeds in wholesales too. We recommend our wholesale prices for families who want to buy in bulk to keep and to wholesalers who buy and sell Chia seeds in bulk. Place an order now to sparkle your tastebuds!

How to store Chia seeds and how long does it last?

When opened all you need to do is to move them into a sealed container (airtight). They can also be stored in the fridge.
  • The chia seeds last 2-4 years
  • The Chia meal lasts for 2-4 weeks

Nutritional Information 

Here’s a breakdown of some nutritional values you enjoy when you eat Chia seeds. Just 1 ounce (28 grams or 2 tablespoons) of chia seeds contains : Calories: 138 Protein: 4.7 grams Fat: 8.7 grams Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): 5 grams Carbs: 11.9 grams Fiber: 9.8 grams Calcium: 14% of the Daily Value (DV) Iron: 12% of the DV Magnesium: 23% of the DV Phosphorus: 20% of the DV Zinc: 12% of the DV Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 15% of the DV Vitamin B3 (niacin): 16% of the DV This nutritional profile is particularly impressive considering that it’s for just a single serving of about 2 spoons.  

Goron tula fruits, syrup, & powders – health benefits & uses

Have you heard of Goron Tula? Also known as Snot Apple, are you wondering what is Goron Tula for? Are you aware of the health benefits of this miracle fruit’ Are you even wondering what Goron Tula is all about’ Don’t worry, you are not alone!

But at least you found this article; now you can learn everything there is to know about it!

You may be thinking about the English name of Goron Tula – Snot Apple… does it look like an apple, taste like an apple, smell like an apple? No. It doesn’t. Goron Tula sure doesn’t look or smell like it should be called an apple.

That said, this odd-shaped fruit contains some remarkable sexual health benefits that could change your life for the better. Hope you’re relaxed for this one. Ready? Let’s dive right in.

What Is Goron Tula?

The Goron Tula or Snot Apple, also known as African Chewing Gum, is a fruit which looks like Kola nut that is indigenous to western Africa, especially Nigeria. It’s a sweet and chewy nut; the fruit is often eaten raw by itself or can also be enjoyed in the powdered form and used in recipes for jam, jelly, juice, sauce, etc.

Where Did Goron Tula Originate From?

Goron Tula was eaten by the Tula Community of Gombe State for many years as a traditional snack, so it’s widely believed it originated from the Tula people in Gombe state of  Nigeria.

Goron Tula’s name comes from the Tula people, a group which lives in the highlands and has a rich, unique agricultural land.

The Goron Tula tree was believed by the Tula people to contain some medicinal values like reducing high blood pressure and improving sexual appetite and performance for men and women. But the remarkable characteristic of this tree is that, when it is planted elsewhere, it will not bear fruits.

In early times, the fruit was used medicinally and was highly appreciated among the locals for its health-giving properties. Tula has been used as a cure for everything from headaches to sexual performance and many other ailments.

Even though it was discovered that the fruit has medicinal value, this fact did not become greatly known until recently.

Today, people are surprisingly demanding for Goron Tula from different parts of Africa, and even foreigners  from European, and Asian countries.

Common names of Goron Tula

1. African chewing gum 2. Miracle Fruit 3. Snot Apple (English) 4. Morojwa (Botswana) 5. Thespesia garckeana (Binomial name) 6. Nkole (Sri Lanka) 7. Azanza Garckeana 8. Silky Kola

What is Goron Tula Used For?

Goron Tula is mostly used to improve sexual health and wellness. Commonly also used for centuries to treat colds, coughs, sore throats and fevers.

Ladies and gentlemen, if your hormones are out of whack and you want to get your groove back, Goron Tula does it. It’s delicious and will help restore your body’s natural testosterone production, balance women’s hormone levels, regulate menstruation cycle and end all those pesky problems that can make a woman feel less than her best.

It is generally understood that Goron Tula can be used in cases of asthma and general bronchial ailments.

How Do You Eat Goron Tula Fruit?

For most people, attempting to swallow a whole Goron tula fruit is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. This fruit is large and it is not easily swallowed.

Goron Tula can be eaten uncooked, it’s safe for eating across all ages. You can eat or chew the raw flesh of the fruit after extracting the seed.

Once you chew the soft part of the Goron tula fruit, you can then remove the seed that is also found within. Most people try to chew this as they attempt to swallow it whole.

Better still, scrape the outside of the Goron Tula, and boil it for half an hour. When it’s cooked, peel off the outside and you can eat the inside. Shikina.

Using Goron Tula Powder

If you don’t want to eat the raw fruit of Goron Tula, you can take the powder form without losing the health benefits. Freshly ground powdered form can be added to food as an additive or supplement.

For men , powdered Goron tula can be added into a warm water and consumed. For women, the powder can  be added into cold water and consumed immediately.

When added into cold or warm water, Goron Tula Powder will dissolve and become drinkable.

Using Goron tula powder helps to increase the libido and drive strong desires for sexual intercourse and also helps in  getting rid of bad odour coming from the vagina as it serves as a vagina cleanser, helping to clean it.

How to use Goron Tula Powder

Take 1-3 teaspoons of Goron Tula powder and add to warm water daily as needed until you start seeing desired results.

You can add the Goron Tula powder with tea, yogurt , fruit juice, custard milk, smoothies or cereal. But it’s even better to take it alone with water.

Health Benefits of Goron Tula

1. Fertilty

Sometimes it’s tough to get pregnant and carry a baby through nine months of pregnancy. But there are plenty of ways that the fertility of a couple can be affected positively.

Long gone are the days when we had to sit back and just leave everything to chance. Now with the knowledge of powerful fruits like Goron Tula, there is high hopes of getting pregnant.

Scientific studies reveal that Goron Tula is an effective option for couples struggling to conceive. As the popularity of this ‘miracle fruit’ increases, the demand also rises and this  leads to fewer people depending on drugs for conceiving.

2.  Increased Sex Drive

Due to stress, burnouts, and other health conditions, spouses may not be at their best sexual performance sometimes, which can lead to dissatisfied experience in one of the partners.

Eating Goron Tula fruit or Powder increases your sexual drive or libido. This fruit helps you in developing strong desires for sexual intercourse and also gives you energy for several rounds of having sex with your partner.

3. Vaginal Odour Cleanser

Goron tula is a natural vaginal wash and works perfectly to clean any infection before or after your monthly flow. It’s very effective and has none of the harsh chemicals found in soap and other medicated cleansers.

Used by women to clean the vagina, reduce bad odour and treat infections, Goron tula fruits are naturally healthy for women’s reproductive system.

Once you chew the fruit or drink the juice,  the antioxidants in the fruit are able to get to the vagina or infected area and cleanse it properly, but it may take hours or days for the full effect to be noticed because of the digestion process.

You can also add it to hot water and allow the steam to penetrate the vagina or douche on it, burn the chaff after chewing it and douche on the smoke.  The vagina cleansing effect happens while that process is on.

4. Wets the Vagina

If you’re looking for the best way to deal with vaginal dryness, Goron Tula fruit is an all-natural solution which doesn’t cause irritation. it is perfect for keeping the vagina area moist and wet down there.

5. Cures Infections

Goron Tula is not just the fruit for sexual wellness. It’s also known for its antibacterial and antifungal benefits.

This amazing fruit has been used traditionally in many African and Asian countries as a treatment for fungal infections within the body.

One of the ingredients in Goron Tula fruit is saponins, which exhibit antimicrobial properties that provide protection against fungi, bacteria, and major viruses in the body. This is one of the rare benefits many people are yet to discover about Goron Tula.

6. Reduces High Blood Pressure

If you’re looking for an effective solution to reduce high blood pressure, Goron Tula fruit and powder mix is a good option. It might just be the natural relief you need.

People who suffer from hypertension, or blood pressure that’s too high, are often prescribed medications that aren’t always very effective. Consuming Goron Tula daily can work in combination with medication, or on its own. It can help lower your blood pressure naturally so you don’t have to resort to medications always.

7. Boosts Your Immune System

Goron Tula contains antioxidants that fight to keep you healthy, both internally and externally. Because of its medicinal properties, Goron Tula can help reduce inflammation and the severity of the common cold, as well as other infections.

In addition to strengthening your immune system, Goron Tula also promotes healthy digestion and is a delicious, organic drink with ingredients you can trust; Tula helps nurture a healthy body and a happy mind.

8. Cleanses Your Body System

Yeah, Goron Tula fruit may look gross , but there’s nothing better looking for your body.

Goron Tula (Snot Apple) is a natural herbal cleanser especially designed to clear away toxins from your body effectively and naturally.

Even if you’re not looking for any of the sexual or healing benefits, you can enjoy this drink as a preventive caution to silent toxins in your body and make your body whole and refreshed.

9. Clears Chest Pains

Goron Tula is a home remedy to cure chest pains. It works by dispersing excess mucus from the lungs and sinuses into the blood-stream, thus, curing chest pains.

Simply consume a spoonful of Goron Tula in a glass of water and within minutes you will feel better.

10. Lowers Sugar Level

Can Goron Tula help diabetics? Yes! Goron Tula could be your answer. It’s a natural alternative for lowering your blood sugar levels and even burning fat for those who want to lose weight.

That’s why Goron Tula is loved by people striving to live healthier lives; with its crunchy texture, which makes it ideal for snacks. It has that beneficial effect in preventing diabetes.

Side Effects of Eating Goron Tula

So, just because Goron Tula is popularly called the “Miracle fruit” doesn’t mean it’s a miracle worker all the time. Sometimes, it can have adverse effect on you, especially when abused or taken overdose.

The Goron Tula fruit or Powder is not for the faint of heart. If you do find yourself brave enough to try it, be prepared to face the bitter side of this amazing fruit. Let’s see some of the side effects Goron Tula has:

1. Early Menstrual Periods

Women who are expecting their period in days could receive an early visitor when they consume an overdose of the fruit. Yes, overdose is eating over 10 fruits or Powder of Goron Tula in one day which triggers an early menstrual period.

One of the things that the anti-oxidants in the fruit does is to clear the system of any impediment. This is the reason it aids fertility.

2. Can Cause Cancer

Yeah. It’s possible, but the chances are low. Even though Goron Tula has anti-cancer properties, it can cause you to get cancer when eaten without moderation.

Although the link between Goron Tula and cancer has not been proven, it is better to reduce the amount of the fruit you eat every day.

3. Allergy Reactions

If you have an allergy to Goron Tula, we recommend that you avoid it. Better still, talk to your doctor about any allergic reactions you’ve had to Goron Tula.

This is because Goron Tula contains a high quantity of polyphenol which is harmless to most people, but it may have an adverse effect on others.

That is why people with medical issues are usually advised to avoid fruits such as Goron Tula.

If you’re allergic to Goron Tula and still consume it, you could experience hives, itching or other allergic reactions.

Where To Get Goron Tula?

Get original Goron Tula fruit or Powder (Snot Apple) from Green Baskit. We’re Nigeria’s No.1 Most Healthy Snack store online and your go-to brand if you really want to experience the clean, healthy and delicious Goron Tula in Lagos and Nigeria generally.

We sell Goron Tula in wholesales too. We recommend our wholesale prices for wholesalers who buy and sell Goron Tula in bulk.

First things first, as a Nigerian brand, our Goron Tula represents “the original” taste. We focus on maintaining the standards our customers have come to love since we started selling healthy delicious Goron Tula.

All of our snacks are sourced locally, and hygienically processed, stored and packaged to delight your taste buds.

How do I store Goron Tula and how long does it last?

Store Goron Tula(Snot Apple) in a cool dry place. Don’t expose it to adverse heat or cold.

The fruit is organic. If you leave it to the open air, it could grow moulds and lose its sweet taste; as a result, it might not be as effective.

Usually, Goron Tula can last as long as you can preserve them without excessive heat or cold.

Remember one of the ways our grandparents used to preserve kola nuts back then? Yeah, they always touch them.

The same way too, you can preserve Goron Tula. Cleaning all the Goron Tula fruits daily with tissue makes it impossible for it to grow moulds. It really needs care for it to be able to care for your body too.

But thanks to technology today, which has made most of our tasks easier, you can easily preserve these precious fruits in the refrigerator, for instance.

Just take the fruits/powder out of the container, wash the fruits and put them back in an air-tight container, cover and put the container in the refrigerator, and your Goron Tula will last as long as there is electricity running.  Shikina!

Common Question on Goron Tula

1. Can A Man Use Goron Tula?

Yes! A man can use Goron Tula nut to treat low erectile malfunctioning caused by excessive blood sugar levels. As men get older their testosterone level drops, that should correlate with decreased activity in the sexual side.

Nothing should be below expectation, and low libido is killing relationships. Now men can enjoy sex drive at any age and last longer in bed. Judge by yourself and start acting now!

2. Does Goron Tula Tighten The Vagina?

Absolutely tight! Goron Tula will make your honey pot tight again without surgery, pain or injections. Because closing the bedroom door to find your husband with another woman is really devastating.

So are all of the women who want to get tight, but are too embarrassed to get help…

Discover how Goron Tula can tighten your honey pot in just one week. Let your man know that you’re back, and more beautiful then ever!

3. Can A Nursing Mother Take Goron Tula?

Yes, please. But it’s advisable to be taken in small quantity. Except there are any medical reasons to avoid eating Goron Tula before or after childbirth, Goron Tula is 100% healthy for nursing mothers.

4. How many Goron Tula Should I Eat Daily?

Well, it depends on your body type. You may chew more or less than 5- 7 per sitting to feel the effect.

If you’re taking the raw fruit, at least 3- 5 fruits per day is enough to give you the desired results. The same with Goron Tula fruit powder: add 3-5 tablespoons of Goron Tula to your warm water, tea, yogurt and any other mix.

Please be careful with overdose. This fruit is very powerful and may cause severe side effects when taken in excess.

5. What Does Goron Tula Taste Like?

It is sweet and chewy, and has this taste like date and honey mixture, if you taste it there is the tendency your tastebuds will come before you. Lol.

It also has this chewy texture hence why it is also called “African Chewing Gum” fruit.

So that’s about everything you should know about Goron Tula and the amazing health benefits it offers to you and loved ones.

Enjoy this special fruit now by ordering right here or send a gift box of this Miracle fruit to someone you know that needs this. It would really be thoughtful of you, you know.

Do you have any questions or contributions? Kindly drop them in the comments.

How To Develop New Healthy Habits

Building New Healthy Habits

You know you need to create a new healthy habit, but you aren’t sure it can happen. It’s hard to change, right? It gets harder the older we get too, right? Maybe you’ve already tried to eat better, get more exercise or sleep, quit smoking, or reduce stress. It’s not easy. But what if we told you it doesn’t have to be as hard as you think? Instead of changing overnight, you can learn to break it up into chunks and take baby steps toward your new goal. Well, today is all about encouraging you to look at creating a new healthy habit differently. Our mission is to make it easier for you to develop a new healthy habit ASAP. Let’s get started!

What is a habit?

It’s something you repeat, often without even knowing it. Some habits are good, some are bad. Most people want to learn at least one good habit or give up a bad one. 

Some Examples of Good Habits 

  • Eating Healthy: This includes fruits and snacks that add nutrients to your body and boosts your health or immune system. A common opposite of this is to eat junk or processed foods just because they are appealing.
  • Exercising: Flexing the muscles once in a while is fantastic for our body and makes our mind active to take on challenges for the day. This doesn’t even need you to go to the gym, because just taking a walk instead of driving from a nearby shop to another can be enough exercise already!
  • Sleeping/resting Enough: Ahh! If it’s Lagos and enjoying the recommended 8 hours of sleep, that’s almost impossible. But sometimes, we too can be hard on ourselves even without knowing. Especially when we intentionally avoid sleeping to continue late-night work or projects.
  • Maintaining relationships: Social connections help our brains stay healthy and happy! We can’t deny the fact we sometimes need people to share time with. Strengthen the relationship you already have and be open to making new friends. It’s healthy fun, anyway!
  • Learning New Skills: New skills help our brain stay healthy and sharp. Have you been interested in any course or handwork but feel lazy to start, remember the golden rule: give to your brain, what you want your brain to produce for you (hope you know the original golden rule ooh. Lol)
  • De-stress: When you’re stressing about things you can’t control or maybe someone wants to frustrate you in any way possible, just make a de-stress call right away! 
  • Relaxation and mindfulness: To be anxious can be very toxic, especially when it becomes part of you. Relax! Just calm down and be in the moment. Your mental health will appreciate you later for this, so much.


How To Avoid Bad Habits

List out what triggers your bad habit. If your goal is to eat less junk food, think about when and where you eat it. Is it when driving? Or you get it at the store nearby work? Probably just after dinner? Write them out and watch them closely to avoid the triggers as much as you can.
So if you buy chocolate from the store nearby at work, see if you can avoid driving past that route. If you smoke when you’re home alone, see if you can hang out more with friends or stroll to a nearby field to enjoy the feel of nature and open space. But don’t stop at that. Bad habits have a powerful pull once you decide to stop them. What should you do?
Replace the bad habit with a good one. So if you can’t avoid the chocolate store at work, order delicious healthy snacks instead from Green Baskit and place them at your desk. Whenever the cravings come for choco, switch to healthy snacking that’s even better delicious. If that’s not comfortable for you, chew sugarless gum instead. 


Developing Good Habits

It’s difficult to change everything at once, but it’s easier to set small goals and achieve them stage by stage. This will help you develop new good habits easier. For instance, it will be easier to do 7-10 pushups a day than to just run a marathon. It might take you several months to create a new habit.  Events trigger many habits. For example, washing your hands is triggered by going to the toilet. It will really help if you set triggers for your new habit as part of your existing routine.  Setting reminders can help you maintain good habits. Set automatic reminders on your computer and your phone. There are also apps available that help with goal setting and new habits. Try them. If you slip back into your old habits, don’t give up – this is common. Just remember why you wanted to make the change. This will help you pick up where you left off.  




The first step to building healthy habits is understanding what habits you want to learn. To do that, you need to define your goals for the new habit. Spend some time exploring what you want and need in your life at this very moment. Knowing this will allow you to move on to the next step — which is creating a plan. 


Once you’ve understood what you want to achieve with this new habit, you’ll need to create a specific plan backed up by realistic actions. Think about the small steps you can take to build a healthy habit and repeat them consistently to achieve your goals.  
  • Here are some examples of specific small actions you can add to your daily routine and eventually they will become habits:  
  1. Meditate in the morning’s rush – starting your day feeling rushed will throw off your mood and may shift your routine. Save some time in the morning for reflection, gratitude, prayer or meditation. This will help to set the tone for a successful day. 
  2. Enjoy a healthy breakfast – Because not everyone has the same appetite in the morning, so you can base your breakfast choices on your body’s needs and a breakfast rich in protein and healthy fats will provide energy and nourishment. 
  3. Drink a full glass of water before leaving the house. 
  4. Get some exercise during your lunch break.
  5. Have a healthy snack in the afternoon–this is usually the time of day when many people at work begin to “crash,” so being prepared with a healthy snack to boost energy levels will help to reduce cravings. 
  6. Prepare your own dinner – cooking meals at home more often will help to reduce calorie intake and give you control of how to fuel your body. 
  7. Choose a time for exercise and be ready – exercising at the same time every day will help make the action automatic. 
  8. Read before bed–this also can help your body unwind in the evening and support restful sleep at night. 


When you repeat the same healthy habits over time, your brain will naturally accept the behaviour and it becomes a habit you form in your subconscious. For example, if you drink a glass of water before eating breakfast every day, you’re likely going to be repeating this behaviour even without knowing. What this means is when you do this pre-breakfast activity consistently, your brain automatically prepares for it rather than relying on a decision to do it. 


We can expect setbacks any time we are trying to achieve a goal. There will be days when you don’t follow your plan perfectly or don’t just feel like it and then skip a process or two or maybe even give in to the junk food cravings, and so on.  But of course, the longer you stay away without performing the healthy habits, the harder it will be to come out of the setback. So, it’s okay to have days here and there that aren’t as planned but get back on track ASAP to keep the habit going.  


All work and no play makes healthy habits hard to keep. You want to work hard to stay healthy, no doubt. But you equally need some resting period too. Devote some time every week to relax and reflect. This could involve taking a yoga class, reading a book on the couch, or simply resting. Use it as a time to restore your body and mind for another week of wellness. 

Remember Your Tools

While you’re about to get started already on this journey, remember to use the tools we’ve shared to help yourself create a healthy habit:
  1. Decide on a goal.
  2. Plan when and where you will start
  3. Choose a simple action you can take every day.
  4. Congratulate yourself when you actually take the steps
  5. It gets easier with time, and within 10 weeks you should “be doing well” at it without even thinking.


Minor changes we make to our daily routine can make a big difference in how we feel about ourselves. Try the 5 steps above to integrate some healthy habits. You may notice that you’re not just developing good habits, but you’re also deleting bad ones. Stay consistent and before you know it, your days will be brighter and you will achieve your goals.   Good luck with the work!   


Please let us know if this article helps you achieve your new habit goals. If you have any other helpful tips or tricks that have worked for you before, kindly share them with us in the comments. We would love to hear from you. Thank you!  

Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Kids

Top 5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Your Kids

Sometimes, trying to get your kids out of bed every morning can be a challenge, especially when they love sleeping a lot. But trying to get them to eat breakfast and prepare for school or the day is another work routine parents have to deal with.  And almost whenever you try to get them to eat something before school, it becomes another challenge because you have to prepare something quickly that will still taste good. Well, we’ve got you covered on this Mom. Ensure your kids enjoy their most important meal of the day with these easy and delicious breakfast ideas that will save your time and workload during those rush-hour mornings.

1. Yam and Egg Sauce

Egg sauce and boiled yam is one of the major breakfast in Nigeria or better still, weekend breakfast. This energetic meal can be eaten not only as breakfast – but can also be eaten at any time of the day. Egg sauce is a very simple sauce that can be prepared within 20 minutes and all you just need is egg and tomatoes to make this delicious breakfast meal happen.

2. Oatmeal and Raisins

Oatmeal is another food you should consider when thinking of healthy and easy breakfast ideas for kids. This convenient dish is super-fast to make and contains just enough protein to help your child grow well. Besides that, you can also add butter, milk and other mixes to make it creamy delicious. For growing kids, raisins are the perfect additives because of their chewy nature. A combination of Oatmeal and Raisins takes less than 7 minutes and is very easy to prepare.

3. Spaghetti and Bacon

If there’s any food that kids never get tired of eating is pasta. Whether it is spaghetti, noodles or macaroni, children love it. No surprise it is on the list of our easy breakfast ideas for kids. You can make this quick breakfast with bacon within minutes and have your kids thanking you for a breakfast well-done! You can try our Coconut bacon variations here 

4. Cookies and Bars

Cookies have automatic kid appeal, but they’re also super-nutritious, easy to take along, and just takes a breeze to prepare for your kid’s breakfast. Mix with tea or low-fat yoghurts or smoothies and your kiddos are ready to go.  You can enjoy the fullness of flavour that our healthy coconut cookies offer for your kids as they eat breakfast.  Healthy Coconut and Lemon Cookies

5. Nuts and Seeds

Swap crunchy junk snacks (you know the ones that are practically air) for nuts and seeds to deliver a healthful combo of fibre, protein and healthy fats. Nuts and Seeds are a safe choice and a good way to get important nutrition for your little ones, even in the rush of breakfast. You can choose to offer nuts alone or with dried fruit or a mix of other fruits. Toasted Sesame Seeds and Nut Mx ( Sesame Granola)

Some Questions You Might Be Asking:

  • Is breakfast really that important?

You might have heard the old saying that, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Although our busy minds may gloss over that fact, but doctors and educators still show that a nutritious breakfast is important, especially for your kids.
Breakfasts supplies the energy they need for a busy school day. A healthy breakfast provides your kids with crucial nutrients for proper physical and mental development. 
It can also be essential for maintaining a healthy body weight, which may protect children against future risks of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Get it now? Don’t skip breakfast, Mom!
  • How do we get our kids to eat a healthy breakfast?

Now that we know a healthy breakfast really is important, here are 6 suggestions to help us make it happen for our kids:
  1. Include these 3 major components: grains, fruit, and dairy. Focus on whole grains and low- or non-fat milk or yoghurt for the dairy.
  2. Prepare breakfast early: Saving time always helps us in serving a nutritious meal (or any meal!). One of the best techniques is preparing breakfast food early. 
  3. Involve your children: Let your kids help plan the meals–getting them involved should increase their interest in eating healthy. If your kids are old enough to help with breakfast itself, put items on the lower shelves in the refrigerator or cupboard so that they can get things without your help.
  4. Focus on your kids’ preferences: While we may want to expand their options, busy mornings are typically not the best time for these battles! Work within healthy options. For example, if they don’t like cashew nuts, just allow them to choose their favourite type of nuts and make a smoothie the night before with fruits that they like.
It will end in happy healthy eating at last.   5. Experiment: Figure out what works best for each member of your family. But as we mentioned in Tip #4 – you probably have to wait to do this on weekends or holidays, when you have more time to work through any resistance.  6. Check the availability of school breakfasts:  More and more schools are now offering a healthy breakfast program. Check if your children’s schools are one of them. And if you sign your kids up for their school’s breakfast, make sure they’re not suddenly eating two breakfasts! LOL.  
  • Can we really make a difference getting our kids to eat healthy food?

 Although healthy living starts with parents and teachers, the kids’ excitement quickly starts when we make healthy eating fun for them. And this what we care about at Green Baskit. We’re supporting you to make sure your kids also care about nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Changing the routine of our kids’ diet can initially feel overwhelming, especially with our already overpacked schedules, you’ll be surprised how quickly using these tips will make a real difference in kick-starting your kids’ day for the better. Try it, Mom! Are there any other healthy breakfast tips you use with your kids? Share with us!  
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